Top ideas from the community
232 results found
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19 votes -
Let us choose if we saw the "regular version" or the "alternate version" of a movie or episodes.
like theatrical cut, extended cut, director's cut, workprint, fanedit or what else
Movie Avatar:
Series Hannibal: votes -
Suggest a TV Show/Anime/Movie to a Friend/Follower
Suggest a TV Show/Anime/Movie to a Friend/Follower and an alert for when the friend marks it as Watched.
18 votes -
Make the x hours to watch series reflect time remaining
Say a TV series is 10 hours long, 10 episodes of 1 hour each.
After watching 2 episodes, the "time to watch series" should now say 8 hours remaining instead of 10 hours.
18 votes -
I think that it could be great to be able to rate each season of a show and not only the whole serie.. Moreover I wish that the rate can be removed if I wrongly mark a thing (Movie,anime,serie..)
18 votes -
more stats. a lot of stats.
17 votes -
Contributor or VIP Edit details button.
There should be an edit button, where people who are VIP or Contributors can make edits to series information, I've found a few mistakes on a couple of anime shows and tv series and even a few movies. Where they are falsely listed as Porn or something different all together. Below I've listed a photo that has edits I've made to show what I suggest, they are highlighted in red.
17 votes -
More Categories
more sub categories within genres and to be able to see all catergories. And to be allowed to pick multiple categories to search by ie. horror/thriller/popular
16 votes -
Friends !
Something like button next to Plan To Watch, Ive seen this etc. + (ADD THIS button):Suggest to friend
16 votes -
to be able to chat with other and recommend them Shows and Movies.
16 votes -
Skip a season of a show
There are some anthology series out there of reality shows with every season a new cast. Sometimes a season just didn't is good or I want to skip that season.
Ofcourse you can mark that season as watched without watching it, but a skip season but still watching the show feature would be kinda neat, because I don't have to mark something as watched I didn't watched.
Dropped is no option because I want to skip only a season (So maybe a drop a season feature?)16 votes -
add profile settings genre sellect + show suggested movies and shows dependng on my choise
add my selected genres to profile info and make section for my recomemded movies and recomended tv shows what havent been added to my list yet
16 votes -
Being able to filter movie lists by director, writer, producer, star etc
For example, if I want to see which directors are most represented in the movies I've watched, and from there I can work out which movies of theirs I haven't seen yet
15 votes -
Watching list to have only shows with unwatched episodes
The watching list is filled with a lot of shows that I've complete to date, but they are still airing. I would it so that I don't see those shows in my list when deciding what to watch. This could either be by putting them on a different list or having any of the filter options group all of those together.
15 votesList filtering is on our to-do list.
To Watch Section
Amazing site, I absolutely love this project.
I would suggest you guys add a page where you're able to view episodes to watch. I mean like something like this
Where a user is able to sort by most recently watch, or number of episodes to watch in ascending or descending order. This would also be a great addition to your app as well.
14 votes -
Proper links instead of javascript links
Proper links (not javascript links) in all views, so we can open a show/anime/movie in another tab anytime.
14 votes -
Order of the episodes
It would be good if we can change the order of the episodes. It is Last-to-First as default but I would like to sort them First-to-Last.
14 votes -
German localisation
Possibility to add german release dates manually or automatically
14 votes -
A section where you are able to pick a combination of several genres (and sub-genres), and get a best fit result.
specific genre selections
14 votes -
Some more ideas
... and i would also like to:
- see the list of newest (recently added) movies and tv shows,
- see the list of newest (recently written) reviews,
- see the list of worst (lowest rated) movies (and shows),
- have a possibility to hide that "waiting for your rating" list,
- have a possibility to search movie by tags.Is some of that allready possible? I know that searching by clicking on a tag (in movie description) works, but i dont see an option to write a tag (or more tags) myself.
14 votes
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