To Watch Section
Amazing site, I absolutely love this project.
I would suggest you guys add a page where you're able to view episodes to watch. I mean like something like this
Where a user is able to sort by most recently watch, or number of episodes to watch in ascending or descending order. This would also be a great addition to your app as well.
Craig Fazekas commented
this is like the "progress page" from
AdminAndrew Masyk (Founder, Simkl) commented
Yes, it's a beta, and we're constantly adding new features as we develop them ;)
Nick commented
Yeah that's exactly what I'm suggesting, if you can incorporate this idea it would be great. If I have any other suggestions I will surely let you know.
Also, whenever I click (SEE ALL) it says this webpage is under development, I hope this is the case for all users and not just me..
AdminAndrew Masyk (Founder, Simkl) commented
Yes, thank you for the screenshot. So basically you want an option to sort the watchlist by the number of episodes in a show left to watch. We can try to incorporate your idea into a detailed page for the watchlist (SEE ALL link).
Nick commented
Hello Andrew,
I did signup, but I was hoping that there was an option to sort the list in ascending or descending order based on number of episode to watch.
Did you see the picture I attached?
Thanks for quick respond Andrew.
AdminAndrew Masyk (Founder, Simkl) commented
Hi Nick,
When you sign up, you get a dashboard with this information of all missed shows and how many episodes you've missed. Have you tried signing up?