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  1. Anime Titles in English (user side setting to choose English or Japanese titles)

    Anime List needs option to show Anime titles in English. There should be a option to choose japanese titles or english titles for animes.

    Check attachment below

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  2. Search should be more flexible with queries

    The search functionality for Tv shows and movies requires the exact title be supplied. It should be more flexible, allowing for spelling mistakes or missing determiners (the, a, an..). Some shows will not come up in search due to this issue e.g. 'A to Z'

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  3. Season Binge Watching Alert

    Features for those who only start watching a season after it is done airing - those who like binge watching.

    • Alert for when season finishes airing.
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  4. Translations

    I wanted to ask if it would be possible to put the site in several languages, there is this site that helps, so the users helped translate SIMKL for several languages. This is how TMDb did it. And they would gain many more users because not everybody knows how to read in English.

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  5. Some ideas

    Hello, i would like to:

    1.Add some movies/ tv shows here, without any app instalation or a registration toanother website
    2.Comunicate with other users here, without any app instalation or a registration to another website
    3.See some movie/tv show recommendations for me - personally, from everything that I have watched (not just finding similarities to one exact movie or show)
    4.See the list of tv shows EPISODES that i rated
    5.See the list of the best/ most rated episodes of all shows
    6.A possibility to search episodes by those "emotion" votes (funny, sad, etc.)
    7.A possibility to change movie/tv show…

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  6. Sort by Air Date of "Next episode to Watch"

    Useful when catching up on related shows that crossover a lot, like Arrowverse (Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow).

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  7. Auto update new seasons of completed/watching anime into my watch list.

    Just like how when tv shows release new seasons simkl auto combines them and informs you there's new episodes to watch.

    Currently with anime I get no notifications new seasons are out and it doesn't automatically go into my watch list.

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  8. "My list" - show all unwatched show even if they are not airing anymore

    In section "Profile > My List" you are showing latest-aired shows. Please show there ALL unwatched tv-shows, even if they are not aired anymore.

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  9. Enhancing Media Ratings: Introducing half point ratings!

    As you are aware, the current rating system for programs, movies, and other media allows for ratings on a scale of 1 to 10. I propose an enhancement to this system by introducing the ability to rate in half-point increments, such as 4.5 stars or 9.5 stars. This modification would provide a more precise and nuanced rating capability, allowing users to evaluate programs, movies, and anime with greater accuracy.

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  10. Information on sequels for anime on the page

    For example, for Sword Art Online, you could put its sequel, Sword Art Online II, and its movie, Sword Art Online: Extra Edition, directly above the "people who liked Sword Art Online also liked..." section.

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  11. Series ended on Post Page

    I would like see series ended across the front of the poster on the profile page. Similar to how you have the episode numbers listed.

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  12. Notification when TV Series ends or is resurrected

    When the final episode of a TV Series airs, or when a TV series is cancelled, its status changes from Continuing to Ended (on TVDB and on Simkl). Inversely, when a TV Series that was considered to have ended, is rebooted or resurrected, the status changes from Ended back to Continuing. In both cases, it would be very helpful to receive a notification of such a major event in the lifecycle of a show.

    Since Simkl has already implemented notifications, adding a notification when the status of a TV Series changes (from Continuing to Ended or vice versa) should be…

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  13. Different Rating Scales

    The ability to switch to rating scales other than integers from 1-10 would be useful. I prefer a 0.x-10.0 scale (or 1-100 or whatever) for more fine tuned rankings.

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  14. Sort by streaming availability

    Allow "include" view option based on streaming availability. Only videos available to stream (on the sites we have access to) are displayed.

    If we could include/exclude videos based on availability, SIMKL would be the go-to source when trying to decide what to watch.

    My list doesn't help much if it's littered with things I want to see, but can't watch.

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  15. Hide TV/Anime/Movies that are Not Interesting

    Can you please make it possible to hide items selected as Not Interesting across the website when viewing TV/Anime/Movies, calendars, etc.?

    Currently items rated Not Interesting are showing up in:

    • Dashboard -> Premiers & Last Aired sections
    • TV/Anime -> Posters are greyed out, but would prefer them to just not be shown as I have already decided I'm not interested and rated as such.
    • Movies -> Show as a thumbs down in certain sections and would rather not see them at all.

    If you do not wish to hide items, then please allow filtering like is seen for Movies under…

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  16. Netflix and Amazon Network Categories

    You do not have a category for Netflix or Amazon under networks. Doing this would allow us to see shows provided by those media content creators as they do act as 'networks' in that sense.

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  17. Have an option of entering in when you watched it...on release day or some other day

    Like on you click on watch and then the website gives you an option: Right Now, On Release Date, or Other Date. I'd like to have that...thanks!

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  18. Add screenshot to an episode

    It would be nice if we can add a screenshot or an image to an episode that it doesn't have it. Like it happens with this show

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  19. Add a planner/scheduler feature

    Here's an idea: you guys could add a feature through which users can plan/set goals for what and when they want to watch. For example, tomorrow I want to watch two episodes of Friends, the next day The Shining, then the day after three episodes of Attack On Titan...
    Or it could also have something like: By the end of this month I want to have finished Season 3 of The Walking Dead, every Christopher Nolan movie, Full Metal Alchemist...

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  20. 28 votes

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