Top ideas from the community
27 results found
Option for dub-only episode count on anime
I don't know if this would be harder to code than I think, but now that there's an option for separate sub/dub notifications, I think it would be useful to have an option to only count dub episodes in the total number. So, for example, I have a series that says there are 9 episodes out, but only 7 are dubbed. And sometimes dubs happen later, so it will say the whole season is out when only 1 or 2 episodes are available in English.
20 votes -
Notification Option for TV Season Finale (only)
Instead of selecting which shows notify you when a new episode comes out; provide an option to only notify when the selected show(s) have aired the last episode of a season. This feature would be especially great because I'm sure a lot of folks get too many notifications and also like to wait until all the episodes for a season have aired and then 'binge' them. Thank you!!
6 votesUnfortunately this data is not always available when the season has ended and no new episodes are planned to be produced. You might miss notifications for some shows or never receive one untill new season starts.
It is available on TVDB for some shows, but not all shows and often only available after some time (few days) after last episode has aired. Show production schedule is unpredictable in many cases.
Request for a New IMDB-based Variable Without the 'tt' Prefix
I would like to add a custom search button for that uses URL parameters to automate its advanced search features. However, this site does not use the 'tt' prefix for IMDB IDs. I understand that this is a very specific request, and I hope it will not require too much effort. Thank you for considering it!
5 votes -
Put "Time left to watch" back on the bottom of the list of shows
There used to be info on how many days of TV you had left unwatched at the bottom of the lists. That's gone? I found that really useful, please bring it back.
4 votesV2 Beta uses a different way of showing a list of your shows, divided by number of shows per page for better performance, while V1 showed all shows on one page, so not easy to add a total counter when it only selects a portion of your shows to display without sacrifising performance.
We do show time stats on watching list eps left to watc in your stats page, the second option currently is to switch to V1 interfacte at
Strange issue where %TMDB% does not work for some animes.
The TMDB variable is blank on some anime's entire episodes pages, while the ANILIST variables is functioning as intended. I hope this is a quick and easy fix, with no complications at all. I am referring to the Watch Online Links section. I have noticed that it's an issue that is very common for animes aired in 2024, but I'm not sure.
and more.3 votes -
TV Show Type
Lists V2 allows selections based on TV Show Type. The listed show types are TV Series, Animation, Entertainment, Documentary and Youtube. What's the source of this show type?
I basically only want to see scripted shows. Even when I only select TV Series, and exclude all other types, Australian sports show Formula 1 (amazingly ranked #16 all time) is still displayed. So are variety shows like The Carol Burnett Show. If I scrolled down far enough, even reality TV shows may be listed.
While the idea is great, the underlying info sucks. Please consider extracting the show type from TV…
3 votes -
BUG: Simkl TV Tracker not working
Simkl TV Tracker not working with VLC, mpc-hc, mpc-be, Potplayer... Installed normally but cannot track anything.
1 voteMost likely you have multiple Microsoft Visual C++ versions installed on your computer and the tracker gets stuck, uninstalling them usually helps. You can find Visual* in: Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features
Also check that both tracker.exe and driver.exe are running and are not blocked by any antivirus app.
"The Mandalorian" has disappeared from my listings
"The Mandalorian" has disappeared from my listings and I can't see it, find it or add it back. Happened fairly recently. I can't even access The Mandalorian's page in a logged out state.
1 votetvdb deleted many shows after switching to a new site\api today. Investigating.
1 vote
The movie seems to be missing on
Please add it to tmdb first and it will appear on Simkl in 24 hours.
Fix images
Alright, so the site that Simkl gets TV show data from, TheTVDB, has recently undergone some changes. Since those changes, images for TV episodes are no longer appearing for some shows- old images that have already been there stay, but any new ones added on TheTVDB will not appear on Simkl.
One example of a series with this problem would be MasterChef. On Simkl, the latest image shown for season 10 is "Someone's Toast"( However, on TheTVDB, the latest image shown is "One Pan Wonder" (
An admin from TheTVDB responded to me saying, "If any…
3 votes -
Search results sould show exact BEGIN matches first
Search results sould show exact BEGIN matches first.
When I search for "the magicians", when I type "the magic" I should see this result before "care bears: unlock the magic". Results should also be sorted by rank and also titles I watch should come befrore everything else.4 votesThere is currently a bug in the search that does not sort relevant results first. We’re looking into it, something to do with collecting search stats incorrectly.
Searching for “the mag” should display “The magicians” at the top when it’s working correctly.
Delay new shows appearence by a day or account for timezones
Be able to introduce a delay before seeing new available shows. I live in germany and new shows appear when it's midnight in the US but they will only be aired about 10 hours later. So either take my timezone into account or to make it easy, a checkbox with a +1 day delay would be fine.
1 voteMake sure to update your timezone in
Save custom anchor href link per show
I would like to save a link to my favored streaming site for each show.
Launch out button/anchor in extension list of shows.1 vote -
Erroneous second season of "Planet Earth" (not on TVDB)
I tried to fix this myself on TVDB, only to find that TVDB was correct and Simkl was out of sync with it. Not sure if this is a deeper problem or not (I don't know how often data is refreshed).
I know this was added here before but being able to report errors natively in Simkl would be much more user friendly than having to post here (think of trying to attract the average web user).
6 votes is this it?
Turkish TV Shows
It would not be bad also add Turkish series. The community of the Turkish series is huge and such a page as Simkl with Turkish TV Shows would be unique.
7 votes -
Calendar 2 episodes in one day bug
is just showing the first episode from day with double episode
in the screenschot attached should appear Married S: 02 - Ep: 12 and Married S: 02 - Ep: 13 (epi. 13 is missing)8 votes -
Bugs in Windows app.
When running it causes strange behaviour in already opened windows. Sometimess you need several tries to switch between opened explorer windows for example. Or when switching from browser window to explorer window the focus changes, but the browser window stays on top for some reason. Or you need to click on explorer icon in taskbar several times to see the explorer window on top of somethimg already opened.
4 votesMost likely you have multiple Microsoft Visual C++ versions installed on your computer and the tracker gets stuck, uninstalling them usually helps. You can find Visual* in: Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features
Overwrite existing entries when importing
Scores, watching status etc.
3 votesYou can change\remove your watching status and rating in tv\movie details. Will look into how we can make the overwrite function for stuff already on your watchlist without breaking what you have already marked as watched.
My TV Shows layout
I would love a nicer look for "My TV Shows" list (and movies/anime).
7 votesTry clicking My List from the Dashboard and from the TV\Anime main pages for different designs or please comment what you’d like to see.
Need to reload after going back a page
REALLY wish had Amazon Prime importing history. Also, doesn’t apply to me, but Apple…whatever iTunes/AppleTV app would be a good media importer.
+Stretch goals might be to import from those “TV apps, HBO GO/NOW, FOX, NBC, (you can see them on Chromecast, AppleTV, Roku), to import from a user’s FX profile (that’s connected to their Xfinity account to authorise it) could be cool.
For UI changes
If feasible, in Chrome you can have custom search engines, so, in the omnibox (where the URL is) I can type TAB and then type “X tv series” and return & Chrome takes…4 votes1. Amazon and other sites don’t currently have history page of your watch list or APIs. If you know any, please let us know.
2. You can use{search_term_string} for search
3. Could you please try disabling Adblock or try using Chrome browser and see if you still have a back button issue? If yes, What page you open then go to, when the back button breaks?
- Don't see your idea?