Notification Option for TV Season Finale (only)
Instead of selecting which shows notify you when a new episode comes out; provide an option to only notify when the selected show(s) have aired the last episode of a season. This feature would be especially great because I'm sure a lot of folks get too many notifications and also like to wait until all the episodes for a season have aired and then 'binge' them. Thank you!!
Unfortunately this data is not always available when the season has ended and no new episodes are planned to be produced. You might miss notifications for some shows or never receive one untill new season starts.
It is available on TVDB for some shows, but not all shows and often only available after some time (few days) after last episode has aired. Show production schedule is unpredictable in many cases.
Robert Miller (MCP) commented
No worries! I see Sonarr has this feature in their calendar functionality (see screenshot). They depict it via the orange 'pause' icon and appears to be correct on the shows I watch. Maybe it's possible to use the source Sonarr is using for this data? Thank you again!!