Anime,Movies,Tv Shows prequel, Sequels.
When Watching a Movie/Anime/Tv Show it would be nice to be able to see if there where any prequels or if there are sequels.
Also so you do not always have to check the shows/movies/anime you watched it would be nice to see a notification like "Transformers 3 is going to come out at "(Release date)".
If you watched Transformers 2 and rated it higher then 5 for example.
So you don't get too many notifications of show you did not like.
All Anime now have Seques\Prequel
All TV Shows and Movies now have Franchise lists inside the show\movie details.
Azmarine commented
Would also be interesting to have,
Based on Time Line / Release Date / Sequels / proper watch order-
- animechrono.comWould help in these type of shows in Future ( Kaleidoscope 2023 )
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
:O It's been 2 years since i suggested this.
Well then... Seems it still isn't there. -
Anonymous commented
I wonder when we will know if they will implement this or not.
Infamous commented
Anime needs prequel and sequel information
Exim commented
prequel & Sequels info for anime this should be implemented already
Ben Noble commented
I'm actually kinda surprised that this isn't a feature already.