Top ideas from the community
232 results found
Achievements/badges for watching x amount of episodes of a tv show in a given time, finishing a tv show, clearing watchlist, etc.
109 votes -
Information on sequels for anime on the page
For example, for Sword Art Online, you could put its sequel, Sword Art Online II, and its movie, Sword Art Online: Extra Edition, directly above the "people who liked Sword Art Online also liked..." section.
35 votes -
Import/synk with
Do a similar collaboration with as you do with to get more Asian series and movies on the site
10 votes -
Suggest a TV Show/Anime/Movie to a Friend/Follower
Suggest a TV Show/Anime/Movie to a Friend/Follower and an alert for when the friend marks it as Watched.
18 votes -
Correct descriptions/types of shows etc
I've noticed that some of the shows do not have the correct description and, for example, in the anime section some were described as ecchi while they aren't.
8 votes -
84 votes
Easier button to manually add an episode/multiple eps/season/full series to collection/to watch
Easier button to manually add an episode/multiple eps/season/full series to collection/to watch - it's very well possible it's already there and that I haven't spotted it yet :-) my apologies in that case.. but that would be of help until I have my own api calls & script ready which scans my movies/series NAS and adds when not yet on the site.on the site.
13 votes -
Make the x hours to watch series reflect time remaining
Say a TV series is 10 hours long, 10 episodes of 1 hour each.
After watching 2 episodes, the "time to watch series" should now say 8 hours remaining instead of 10 hours.
18 votes -
An actual forum
A Forum so people & friends can chat, post, suggest stuff! Like this place just better!
13 votes -
Have an option of entering in when you watched it...on release day or some other day
Like on you click on watch and then the website gives you an option: Right Now, On Release Date, or Other Date. I'd like to have that...thanks!
31 votes -
The ability to disable a certain section entirely, like TV Shows.
In case that someone is not interested in TV Shows entirely, then why would all that information about TV Shows appear in their profile?!. How about creating an essential option to disable such section completely, and remove all its related data (news, suggestions, recommendations, and even from the watched stats calculator!). Wouldn't that be nice?. ^_^
20 votes -
Let us choose if we saw the "regular version" or the "alternate version" of a movie or episodes.
like theatrical cut, extended cut, director's cut, workprint, fanedit or what else
Movie Avatar:
Series Hannibal: votes -
Score half star (.5)
Option to score half star (.5)
19 votes -
Games section
Please add Games section. This would be a great way for people who play games. And I think this will make this site perfect for everyone.
236 votes -
Search should be more flexible with queries
The search functionality for Tv shows and movies requires the exact title be supplied. It should be more flexible, allowing for spelling mistakes or missing determiners (the, a, an..). Some shows will not come up in search due to this issue e.g. 'A to Z'
47 votes -
add profile settings genre sellect + show suggested movies and shows dependng on my choise
add my selected genres to profile info and make section for my recomemded movies and recomended tv shows what havent been added to my list yet
16 votes -
Anime Titles in English (user side setting to choose English or Japanese titles)
Anime List needs option to show Anime titles in English. There should be a option to choose japanese titles or english titles for animes.
Check attachment below
51 votesYou can now select anime language preference in VIP settings
Currently, this is a beta, only available for VIP users when using your Lists v2.
1 vote
12 votes
Mass select option for actions
Mass action options for lists (e.g. removal from list, clearing ratings, etc.)
12 votes
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