Custom search settings allow additional title options
For the custom search links that a SIMKL user can create for themselves.... Right now, we only have %TITLE% to pull in the title. And that places all the special characters and spaces. For example:
Star Trek: The Next Generation
But a few websites don't like the search links in that format. They might not like the special character (in this case, the colon ":"). Or instead of spaces or %20, they prefer the word separators to be "+" or "-" or "/" or "." (those are ones I recall seeing).
So maybe we could use options to strip the title of special characters and additional options to specify word dividers.

Custom search variables have been updated at, new possible variables:
Name of a movie or a show with space character replaced with “+”. Example: “Marvel’s+Agents+of+S.H.I.E.L.D.”.
TITLE Slug name of a movie or a show, removes special characters, same as in website URL. Example: “marvels-agents-of-shield”.
SEASON-1 creates season-1 URL.
EPISODE-1 creates episode-1 URL.