Android Chrome notifications not working - why not use app instead?
The HTML 5 notifications on android Chrome are not working. Probably something that needs to be fixed by Google but...
Why go through adding more points of failure? Why can't the actual SIMKL app send its own notifications without having to resort to third party apps like Chrome or IFTTT? It's too much bloat for something very simple: An app that sends its own notifications.

Good news everyone with an Android phone! We’ve just updated the Simkl Lists for Android app with two new updates:
1. The app can now receive notifications when a new episode is out and all other notifications from your notifications settings! When clicking the notifications, will open a browser inside the app with that episode for example.
2. You can now click episodes in show details and season lists, which will open the website with full details.
Go download the app if you have not already at
iOS app is also in the works and will update soon.