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158 results found

  1. Recommendations

    Recommendations; to list and to show some movies , shows and animes that are recommended (based on pre-rated and/or currently watching movies , shows or animes)

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  2. Create custom lists

    Ability to create lists like "favorite movies", best movies of 2015", "top horror movies" etc =)

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  3. TV shows "On Hold" list

    I'd like to divide the shows I'm in the middle of between "on hold" and "watching." It would make organizing a lot easier.

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    Finally, added “On hold” list, could you guys to check if everything is fine?

    You can add something to it on the detail page of the series.

    ON HOLD lists are enabled on the website and Simkl Lists apps. If you find places where On hold does not work, please let us know.

  4. watched this episode and all previous

    Feature request:
    button for "watched this episode and all prior in this season"

    useful for certain shows that have 50+ episodes in a season. or if i watch 10 episodes in a row.

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    You can now mark the last episode watched in any show in Simkl Lists app, Desktop and Mobile website and if you had any unwatched episodes before, it would now ask if you want to mark those as well. Great way to mark shows after binging.

  5. Related Anime

    for anime links to second season when listed as a separate program

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  6. Sync MAL & SIMKL

    Sync MAL & SIMKL so that whenever I mark an episode as watched/completed/not interested it automatically updates MAL. The way it is now, whenever I watch a new anime episode or update an anime to completed/Not interested/plan to watch I have to update it on both sides separately. Be great if I could update if on SIMKL and have it update on my MAL

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  7. Change date format

    Add the option to change the date format. Not everyone is from the US where you do it backwards!!

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  8. More info on ended or cancelled shows

    After I end a season of a show first thing I want to know is will there be another season.. perhaps a like to sites like or similar. Maybe even a feed back on should it be cancelled or why was it cancelled.

    Also on web page that asks for rating.. why can’t you link to the show directly to give it the rating.. or rate right there..

    Also need choice to remove anime something I don’t use.

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  9. Quickly mark next episode as watched from the dashboard

    Meaning, if you are on the dashboard and want to mark an episode as watched, you can press somewhere on the cover which will be highlighted with some kind of simple icon.
    Perhaps lower end?

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  10. Comment and vote every episode

    When I mark watched some episode, i want comment and vote too. If I left comment or vote, my friend could see this and comment too.

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  11. Apply filters and better sort options to your lists

    I can't find a way to filter by genre AND sort by my personal rating (score) for the movies I've watched. In other words, if someone asks me, "What are the best sci-fi movies you've watched in the last 10 years?" I would NOT be able to find that information easily in Simkl because there's no way to filter by genre and sort by my own rating on a single page.

    More info: The profile page allows me to sort by my personal rating (score), but there's no genre filter there. And the movies page allows me to filter by…

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  12. See time spent per tv show/anime

    We have an option to see the time spent watching tv shows, animes or movies as a whole but it would be nice to be able to see time spent per tv show/anime/movie where we could then rank them based on time wasted.

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    Each individual show now has time info 63 hours  •  94 episodes total, 82 episodes (58h 46m) left to watch.

    You can also sort your lists by total running time in Lists v2 to see which ones took you the most time to watch.

  13. Button "spoiler"

    If we'll comment some episode, we don't want to make spoiler for our friends. We can use button "spoiler" and if someone want to read, need to click on this button.

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  14. 22 votes

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    Season premieres and TV Show premieres are now in different color. We don’t always have info about finale, so can’t mark finale in other color yet.

  15. Filters for calendar

    Add filters to calendar, to make possible to view only the episodes of followed shows

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  16. Mark Episode Watched

    So I don't know if this is possible, but lately I have been watching TV shows that have been ended. Take "The Mentalist" for example before I knew about, I used another site to track my shows.

    However, now I have added The Mentalist in my watching list, but I already watched until 5th season 15th episode. So is there a way for you guys to implement a pop-up that if I clicked S05E15 as watched a pop-up would appear saying do you want to mark all previous episode as watch "Yes" or "No"

    If you picked yes, it…

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    You can now mark the last episode watched in any show in Simkl Lists app, Desktop and Mobile website and if you had any unwatched episodes before, it would now ask if you want to mark those as well. Great way to mark shows after binging.

  17. Add a "Related"-tab

    Add a "Related"-tab.
    When viewing the page for a movie/tv show/anime, there are info tabs available, for instance, if I visit the page for Fate/Zero, I can see 6 tabs: Summary, Episodes, Shop, Activity, Screenshots & Cast. However, there is 1 essential tab missing, namely a tab called "Relations", this tab should contain a list for the other anime's in the Fate Series. The ideal view mode for this tab, should be like the content shown for "People who liked Fate/Zero also Liked..."

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  18. show us how much hours we watched !!

    show us how much hours we watched !!

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  19. Better lists and overviews.

    In the 'currently watching', you should have a divider. Over the line should the 'my list' that is displayed on your profile, and underneath it, all 'currently watching' that you are up to date on.

    Also, Adding a 'on hold' status. You sometimes want to take a break - and not have it in 'currently', but not in the 'dropped either'.

    Also, would be nice with custom lists. Not as a status, but where you can gather things like 'movies I recommend for dates' etc.

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  20. tv show/ anime list improvement

    i feel the idea of having image and a description when you click on dashboard then if you go to TV list/ anime list having images and a description there would help seeing the title alone makes it difficult whether if i wanna re-watch or not

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