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How do I add a new Movie to Simkl?

We use TMDb for all Movie information. If Simkl is missing a Movie, just follow these steps.

  1. Make sure the TV show exists on TMDb with English information filled out.
  2. Simkl will publish the new Movie in 24 hours.
You can find instructions on how to add movies at

How to find Movies using IMDB or TMDB links:
Copy the IMDB or TMDB link and paste it into the Simkl search. If the show is already on Simkl, it will display a link on Simkl where this movie is located. If inside the movie you see a message that this movie was deleted, it probably has a duplicate on Simkl in movies or anime. If it was incorrectly deleted, let us know at [email protected] or on our Discord.

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