How do I add a new TV Show to Simkl?
We use TVDb for all TV show and episode information. If Simkl is missing a TV show, just follow these steps.
- Make sure the TV show exists on TVDb with English information filled out.
- Simkl will publish the new TV show in 24 hours.
How to find TV shows using IMDB or TVDB links:
Copy the IMDB or TVDB link and paste it in the Simkl search. If the show is already on Simkl, it will display a link on Simkl where this show is located. If inside the show you see a message that this show was deleted, it probably has a duplicate on Simkl in movies or anime. If it was incorrectly deleted, let us know at [email protected] or on our Discord.
Copy the IMDB or TVDB link and paste it in the Simkl search. If the show is already on Simkl, it will display a link on Simkl where this show is located. If inside the show you see a message that this show was deleted, it probably has a duplicate on Simkl in movies or anime. If it was incorrectly deleted, let us know at [email protected] or on our Discord.