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You can use iCal feeds from to sync with your Google, Apple Outlook or any other calendar.
Subscribe in Apple Calendar (MacOS)
- In Apple Calendar, choose New Calendar Subscription from the File menu.
- Paste in the Simkl iCal URL and click the Subscribe button.
- Set up auto refresh to have it automatically update the calendar with new items periodically. Daily is usually fine. Then click the OK button.
Subscribe in Apple Calendar (iOS)
- Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
- Tap on Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
- Tap on Add Account… under the Mail section.
- Tap on Other.
- Tap on Add Subscribed Calendar under the Other section.
- Paste in the Simkl iCal URL into the Server field and give it a Description.
- Click the Next button, then the Save button.
Subscribe in Google Calendar
- Click the down-arrow next to Other calendars.
- Select Add by URL from the menu.
- Paste in the Simkl iCal URL.
- Click the Add Calendar button. The calendar will appear in the Other Calendars section of the calendar list to the left.